Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friends of Justice and Wisdom permitted,in name only. that spouse legally to starve the other.....proper decision is.starvation for both...fair is f
Phi Delta Phi
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ΦΔΦ - Phi Delta Phi The Coat of Arms of Phi Delta Phi
Founded December 13, 1869 (1869-12-13) (age 137)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Type Professional
Scope International
Motto Friends of Justice and Wisdom
Colors Garnet and Pearl Blue
Symbol Owl, Skull
Flower Jacquerninot Rose
Headquarters 1426 21st Street NW
Washington, D.C., USA
Homepage Phi Delta Phi Website
Phi Delta Phi is the world's largest legal fraternity whose membership is restricted to students and practitioners of the law. Phi Delta Phi is the second oldest legal organization in continuous existence in the United States and third oldest in North America. The fraternity was founded at the University of Michigan in 1869 "to promote a higher standard of professional ethics." Unlike other law fraternities, Phi Delta Phi does not initiate undergraduate or pre-law students.
* 1 History
* 2 Notable Members
o 2.1 U.S. Presidents
o 2.2 Supreme Court Justices
o 2.3 Other Notable Members
* 3 Inns
* 4 External links
[edit] History
The old professional fraternity still in existence, Phi Delta Phi was founded in the law department of the University of Michigan by John M. Howard of the class of 1871. Howard was a graduate of Monmouth College and member of Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji). His initial intent was to found a chapter of Fiji at the University, but he did not follow through with the plan because of the large number of chapters already in place on the campus. Howard instead turned his efforts toward founding a fraternity devoted purely to students of the legal profession.
[edit] Notable Members
[edit] U.S. Presidents
* Gerald R. Ford
* William McKinley
* Franklin D. Roosevelt
* Theodore Roosevelt
* William H. Taft
[edit] Supreme Court Justices
* Hugo Black
* Benjamin N. Cardozo
* Anthony M. Kennedy
* Thurgood Marshall
* Sandra Day O'Connor
* Lewis Franklin Powell, Jr.
* William H. Rehnquist
* Antonin Scalia
* John Paul Stevens
* Potter Stewart
* William H. Taft
* Earl Warren
* Byron R. White
[edit] Other Notable Members
* John Bayard Anderson
* John Ashcroft
* Howard Baker
* James A. Baker III
* Birch E. Bayh
* Matthew J. Belcher
* Robert H. Bork
* William J. Brennan
* Ellen Burns
* Pamela Carter
* William Colby
* Archibald Cox
* John Danforth
* Joyce Hens Green
* Charles Evans Hughes
* Daniel K. Inouye
* Henry M. Jackson
* Thomas Penfield Jackson
* Leon Jaworski
* Robert F. Kennedy
* Patrick Leahy
* Karl Llewellyn
* Gerald T. McLaughlin
* Edwin Meese III
* Walter Mondale
* Malcolm W. Monroe
* R. Thomas Olson
* Samuel Pierce Jr.
* William L. Prosser
* Dana Rasmussen
* Sam Rayburn
* Stephen R. Reinhardt
* Owen J. Roberts
* Myra C. Selby
* William French Smith
* Kenneth W. Starr
* Adlai Stevenson
* Potter Stewart
* Wendell Willkie
[edit] Inns
Chapters of Phi Delta Phi are known as Inns. The Inns obtain their names after the Inns of Court in the English system. The following list includes some of the early Inns of Phi Delta Phi.
1. Kent Inn, University of Michigan, 1869
2. Sharswood, University of Pennsylvania, 1875
3. Benjamin Inn, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1878
4. Booth Inn, Northwestern University, 1880
5. Story Inn, Columbia University, 1881
6. Cooley Inn, Washington University in St. Louis, 1882
7. Pomeroy Inn, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, 1883
8. John Marshall Inn, George Washington University, 1884
9. Jay Inn, Albany Law School, 1884
10. Webster Inn, Boston University, 1885
11. Hamilton Inn, University of Cincinnati, 1886
12. Gibson-Alexander Inn, University of Pennsylvania, 1886
13. Choate Inn, Harvard University, 1887
14. Waite Inn, Yale University, 1887
15. Field Inn, New York University, 1888
16. Conkling Inn, Cornell University, 1888
17. Tiedeman Inn, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1890
18. Minor Inn, University of Virginia, 1890
19. Dillon Inn, University of Minnesota, 1890
20. Daniels Inn, State University of New York, 1891
21. Chase Inn, University of Oregon, 1891
22. Harlan Inn, University of Wisconsin, 1891
23. Swan Inn, The Ohio State University, 1893
24. McClain Inn, University of Iowa, 1893
25. Lincoln Inn, University of Nebraska, 1895
26. Osgoode Inn, York University, 1869
27. Fuller Inn, Chicago-Kent College of Law, 1896
28. Miller Inn, Stanford University, 1897
29. Green Inn, University of Kansas, 1897
30. Comstock Inn, Syracuse University, 1899
31. Dwight Inn, New York Law School, 1899
32. Foster Inn, University of Indiana, 1900
33. Ranney Inn, Case Western Reserve University, 1901
34. Langdell Inn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1901
35. Brewer Inn, University of Denver, 1902
36. Douglas Inn, University of Chicago, 1903
37. Ballinger Inn, University of Washington, 1907
38. Malone Inn, Vanderbilt University, 1907
39. Evarts Inn, St. Lawrence University, 1907
40. Thomas Inn, University of Colorado, 1907
41. Beatty Inn, University of Southern California, 1907
42. Reed Inn, University of Maine, 1908
43. Tucker Inn, Washington and Lee University, 1908
44. Roberts Inn, University of Texas, 1909
45. Shiras Inn, University of Pittsburgh, 1909
46. Holmes Inn, University of Oklahoma, 1912
47. Ames Inn, University of South Dakota, 1912
48. Bruce Inn, University of North Dakota, 1912
49. White Inn, Tulane University, 1912
50. Jones Inn, University of California, Berkeley, 1913
[edit] External links
* Phi Delta Phi International Home
* Tiedeman Inn, University of Missouri
Professional Fraternities
Professional Fraternity Association
Alpha Zeta • Alpha Rho Chi • Alpha Tau Delta • Alpha Phi Omega • Alpha Chi Sigma • Alpha Omega • Alpha Omega Epsilon • Gamma Iota Sigma • Delta Epsilon Iota • Delta Theta Phi • Delta Omicron • Delta Sigma Pi • Zeta Phi Eta • Theta Tau • Kappa Delta Epsilon • Kappa Epsilon • Kappa Kappa Psi • Kappa Psi • Lambda Kappa Sigma • Mu Phi Epsilon • Pi Sigma Epsilon • Rho Pi Phi • Sigma Alpha • Sigma Alpha Iota • Sigma Phi Delta • Tau Beta Sigma • Phi Alpha Delta • Phi Beta • Phi Delta Epsilon • Phi Delta Phi • Phi Delta Chi • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia • Phi Rho Sigma • Phi Sigma Pi • Phi Chi Theta • Omega Tau Sigma
Independent Professional Fraternities
Alpha Kappa Psi • Delta Phi Epsilon • Kappa Gamma Psi • Phi Gamma Nu
Professional Fraternities in the North-American Interfraternity Conference
Alpha Gamma Rho • Sigma Phi Delta • Triangle
Retrieved from ""
Categories: United States student societies | 1869 establishments
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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ΦΔΦ - Phi Delta Phi The Coat of Arms of Phi Delta Phi
Founded December 13, 1869 (1869-12-13) (age 137)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Type Professional
Scope International
Motto Friends of Justice and Wisdom
Colors Garnet and Pearl Blue
Symbol Owl, Skull
Flower Jacquerninot Rose
Headquarters 1426 21st Street NW
Washington, D.C., USA
Homepage Phi Delta Phi Website
Phi Delta Phi is the world's largest legal fraternity whose membership is restricted to students and practitioners of the law. Phi Delta Phi is the second oldest legal organization in continuous existence in the United States and third oldest in North America. The fraternity was founded at the University of Michigan in 1869 "to promote a higher standard of professional ethics." Unlike other law fraternities, Phi Delta Phi does not initiate undergraduate or pre-law students.
* 1 History
* 2 Notable Members
o 2.1 U.S. Presidents
o 2.2 Supreme Court Justices
o 2.3 Other Notable Members
* 3 Inns
* 4 External links
[edit] History
The old professional fraternity still in existence, Phi Delta Phi was founded in the law department of the University of Michigan by John M. Howard of the class of 1871. Howard was a graduate of Monmouth College and member of Phi Gamma Delta (Fiji). His initial intent was to found a chapter of Fiji at the University, but he did not follow through with the plan because of the large number of chapters already in place on the campus. Howard instead turned his efforts toward founding a fraternity devoted purely to students of the legal profession.
[edit] Notable Members
[edit] U.S. Presidents
* Gerald R. Ford
* William McKinley
* Franklin D. Roosevelt
* Theodore Roosevelt
* William H. Taft
[edit] Supreme Court Justices
* Hugo Black
* Benjamin N. Cardozo
* Anthony M. Kennedy
* Thurgood Marshall
* Sandra Day O'Connor
* Lewis Franklin Powell, Jr.
* William H. Rehnquist
* Antonin Scalia
* John Paul Stevens
* Potter Stewart
* William H. Taft
* Earl Warren
* Byron R. White
[edit] Other Notable Members
* John Bayard Anderson
* John Ashcroft
* Howard Baker
* James A. Baker III
* Birch E. Bayh
* Matthew J. Belcher
* Robert H. Bork
* William J. Brennan
* Ellen Burns
* Pamela Carter
* William Colby
* Archibald Cox
* John Danforth
* Joyce Hens Green
* Charles Evans Hughes
* Daniel K. Inouye
* Henry M. Jackson
* Thomas Penfield Jackson
* Leon Jaworski
* Robert F. Kennedy
* Patrick Leahy
* Karl Llewellyn
* Gerald T. McLaughlin
* Edwin Meese III
* Walter Mondale
* Malcolm W. Monroe
* R. Thomas Olson
* Samuel Pierce Jr.
* William L. Prosser
* Dana Rasmussen
* Sam Rayburn
* Stephen R. Reinhardt
* Owen J. Roberts
* Myra C. Selby
* William French Smith
* Kenneth W. Starr
* Adlai Stevenson
* Potter Stewart
* Wendell Willkie
[edit] Inns
Chapters of Phi Delta Phi are known as Inns. The Inns obtain their names after the Inns of Court in the English system. The following list includes some of the early Inns of Phi Delta Phi.
1. Kent Inn, University of Michigan, 1869
2. Sharswood, University of Pennsylvania, 1875
3. Benjamin Inn, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1878
4. Booth Inn, Northwestern University, 1880
5. Story Inn, Columbia University, 1881
6. Cooley Inn, Washington University in St. Louis, 1882
7. Pomeroy Inn, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, 1883
8. John Marshall Inn, George Washington University, 1884
9. Jay Inn, Albany Law School, 1884
10. Webster Inn, Boston University, 1885
11. Hamilton Inn, University of Cincinnati, 1886
12. Gibson-Alexander Inn, University of Pennsylvania, 1886
13. Choate Inn, Harvard University, 1887
14. Waite Inn, Yale University, 1887
15. Field Inn, New York University, 1888
16. Conkling Inn, Cornell University, 1888
17. Tiedeman Inn, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1890
18. Minor Inn, University of Virginia, 1890
19. Dillon Inn, University of Minnesota, 1890
20. Daniels Inn, State University of New York, 1891
21. Chase Inn, University of Oregon, 1891
22. Harlan Inn, University of Wisconsin, 1891
23. Swan Inn, The Ohio State University, 1893
24. McClain Inn, University of Iowa, 1893
25. Lincoln Inn, University of Nebraska, 1895
26. Osgoode Inn, York University, 1869
27. Fuller Inn, Chicago-Kent College of Law, 1896
28. Miller Inn, Stanford University, 1897
29. Green Inn, University of Kansas, 1897
30. Comstock Inn, Syracuse University, 1899
31. Dwight Inn, New York Law School, 1899
32. Foster Inn, University of Indiana, 1900
33. Ranney Inn, Case Western Reserve University, 1901
34. Langdell Inn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1901
35. Brewer Inn, University of Denver, 1902
36. Douglas Inn, University of Chicago, 1903
37. Ballinger Inn, University of Washington, 1907
38. Malone Inn, Vanderbilt University, 1907
39. Evarts Inn, St. Lawrence University, 1907
40. Thomas Inn, University of Colorado, 1907
41. Beatty Inn, University of Southern California, 1907
42. Reed Inn, University of Maine, 1908
43. Tucker Inn, Washington and Lee University, 1908
44. Roberts Inn, University of Texas, 1909
45. Shiras Inn, University of Pittsburgh, 1909
46. Holmes Inn, University of Oklahoma, 1912
47. Ames Inn, University of South Dakota, 1912
48. Bruce Inn, University of North Dakota, 1912
49. White Inn, Tulane University, 1912
50. Jones Inn, University of California, Berkeley, 1913
[edit] External links
* Phi Delta Phi International Home
* Tiedeman Inn, University of Missouri
Professional Fraternities
Professional Fraternity Association
Alpha Zeta • Alpha Rho Chi • Alpha Tau Delta • Alpha Phi Omega • Alpha Chi Sigma • Alpha Omega • Alpha Omega Epsilon • Gamma Iota Sigma • Delta Epsilon Iota • Delta Theta Phi • Delta Omicron • Delta Sigma Pi • Zeta Phi Eta • Theta Tau • Kappa Delta Epsilon • Kappa Epsilon • Kappa Kappa Psi • Kappa Psi • Lambda Kappa Sigma • Mu Phi Epsilon • Pi Sigma Epsilon • Rho Pi Phi • Sigma Alpha • Sigma Alpha Iota • Sigma Phi Delta • Tau Beta Sigma • Phi Alpha Delta • Phi Beta • Phi Delta Epsilon • Phi Delta Phi • Phi Delta Chi • Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia • Phi Rho Sigma • Phi Sigma Pi • Phi Chi Theta • Omega Tau Sigma
Independent Professional Fraternities
Alpha Kappa Psi • Delta Phi Epsilon • Kappa Gamma Psi • Phi Gamma Nu
Professional Fraternities in the North-American Interfraternity Conference
Alpha Gamma Rho • Sigma Phi Delta • Triangle
Retrieved from ""
Categories: United States student societies | 1869 establishments
Labels: Techxas Fair Defense Act